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Raisin Caper Mojo

Mojo is a type of sauce made in some parts of the Spanish-speaking world. Pronounced MO-ho, not mōjō, it nonetheless brings its own magic. Often yummy things, like tostones, are dipped into them. This one is not a super traditional mojo but it brings the zing.


1/4 cup capers, drained

2 Tablespoons currants or raisins

1 cup flat leaf parsley picked from the stem

1/4 cup olive oil

Juice of 1 lime

Salt to taste

I make this in a small bullet type blender. You can also use a regular blender, a food processor, or do it by hand.

If your option is a regular blender, double the quantities so the blades can really get in there.

If your choice is by hand, chop the capers, currants, and parsley with a big kitchen knife as if you were making pesto. Then mix all of that with the oil and lime juice in a bowl.

For the blender or food processor put all the ingredients in, including the oil and lime, and pulse them to create a nice green sauce.

With all methods you'll want to taste it, and then decide if you want to add salt. This will greatly depend on your capers. I like salted capers that you have to soak first best, but those can sometimes be hard to find. Jarred capers are fine too. The salted capers are always infinitely more salty so you may need no extra salt.


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