Day into night at home / 19
A dose of celebration for cooking at home!
Welcome to Day Into Night at home if you are new,
and if you’ve been here a while, hi!
I’m so glad you are here.
This time of year is all about fresh produce and spending as little time as possible in the kitchen. This week I want to share with you three recipes I return to again and again. Two are adapted from my mom’s kitchen. She lives in hot weather year round, so she’s been mastering the easy summer meal most of her life.
To start gazpacho— the cold soup from the south of Spain. I grew up in the Caribbean, and during the sweltering summer months there was always a big pitcher of gazpacho in our fridge. My step-sister and I were both obsessed with this refreshing, tangy, savory soup that is essentially a blended salad. Gazpacho is a lovely way to start a summer dinner, but it’s also great any time of day that you are hot and hungry. It’s a perfect snack in the afternoon and so good midday at the peak of summer when the heat has knocked the appetite out of you but you still need a little energy.
As a second course, pan-seared fish with sautéed potatoes and shallots. Super simple, super satisfying. I bet once you make this dish you will make it often. It’s nourishing, delicious and hits the spot in a way not many dishes do— it’s both light and hearty.
For dessert a plum galette with a thin schmear of almond, coconut, and cardamom frangipane. Galettes are rustic, hand shaped tarts that can be made savory or sweet. They are super easy to make. Once you’ve made one you have practically mastered the art of making them. That’s how easy they are! The hardest part is learning how to make pâte brisée, the flakey pastry dough that is perfect for many things including pies and quiche, and even that is simple once you’ve made it a few times. Plus, you will instantly become the kind of person who can make a fig galette or a Pissaladière – a caramelized onion tart— at the drop off a hat and impress all your friends.
Happy Summer Solstice and galette making!
xx Ana
Menu breakdown:
Make the gazpacho first so it has time to chill and meld. Making it in the morning is ideal but 2-3 hours before works.
Make the pâte brisée and rest it at least 1 hour in the refrigerator before you roll it out.
About 1 hour before you want to eat:
Make the frangipane, make the egg wash, slice the plums, roll out the brisée, assemble the tart, and chill it in the refrigerator.
Cook the potatoes and the shallots.
Preheat your oven to 375º
Cook the fish.
Bake the galette while you eat and serve with a dollop of creme fraiche or ice cream.
The Menu

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